Hi, my name is Adam, and I’ve been a fan of music for decades now. It all began when my parents got me my first clarinet in my hometown in Pennsylvania. Originally, I had wanted to play the violin, but it was decided that I was too young to play such a delicate instrument (I was five), so my parents decided to get me a clarinet instead a few years later.
This first instrument was a rental clarinet, but as I grew older, I decided that I would like a quality instrument of my own. I’ll never forget the hours I worked selling papers so that I could buy what was widely considered the best student clarinet at that time; the Yamaha YCL-255. It was an amazing experience and was one of the first big purchases that I can remember making.
I played that Yamaha YCL-255 B flat Clarinet for years and it still sits right by my computer at home so that I can quickly pick it up and practice every day. It’s amazing to think about how much you can love an instrument, and since buying that clarinet almost 20 years ago, I’ve had thousands of sweet-sounding sessions.
Since I originally purchased my clarinet, I’ve really grown as a musician; I now even play the violin that I wanted to play as a child. In addition to this instrument, I pretty much specialize in every wind instrument. I play saxophone at an expert level, and I also am the first chair when it comes to playing the trumpet as well. You can say that I love the sound of woodwind instruments, which is part of the reason why I made this site.
I feel that the world of wind instruments is faltering a bit in this era of electronic music and beat-inspired tunes. As a result of this, I endeavor to spread the word about the clarinet and more classical instruments.
Take a look around the site; it’s dedicated to helping you learn all about different types of wind instruments. I’ve sure to create some of the best wind instrument reviews as well as other useful information. Enjoy!